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Main » 2011 » September » 3 » Puts yourself laminate
Puts yourself laminate
Laminate flooring is the most convenient and simple material, which is used for interior finishing. Lay laminate flooring yourself, because to work with it is not required to possess special skills. Before you start laying laminate flooring, we recommend you pay attention to nuances.

Preparation of laminated boards

Once you make a purchase in a store, laminate should stand in the room in which it will be laid. This is due to the fact that the laminate board should stand for several days, so as to temperature and humidity in your environment are different from those conditions in which up to that point was material. It should be noted that the experts recommend in the premises, which lies on the floor laminate, to maintain a certain temperature and humidity levels. The fact that at constant drops in these indicators laminate, typically swells or crack.

Preliminary work on laying laminate flooring

While laminate is adapted to new conditions, you can start preparing the surface of it, is an integral part in the repair of floors and apartments domapri laying laminate flooring. Note that the laminate is placed on different surfaces (flooring, particle board, linoleum, cement screed), except for the soft coverings - carpet. Initially, you need to determine how smooth is your surface. To do this you need to level. Typically, tolerance of 3mm to n / m. When you put laminate flooring yourself, you may encounter problems with the alignment surface. If your floor gives greater accuracy, with him to undertake the following:

- Floors with wooden cover to pass the grinder or sanding;
- Leveled concrete floors using Self Leveling mixture;
- Floors which have the vinyl, remove cover - remove the linoleum and even cement screed.

In the case of floor heating under laminate as a heating system, it is necessary to use only water-based. Otherwise, the laminated surface damaged.

For waterproofing use film, and having the vapor barrier properties. Film stele lap, leaving the stock at 15-20cm, and fix the standard tape. After that, you can safely lay foamed plastic substrate.

Installation of laminate

It should be noted that the process of laying laminate starts from the wall, located perpendicular to the windows. The play of light will hide the joints and laminate floors will give a monolithic structure.

Tools that you use in the process as follows: hacksaw on wood or electric jig saw, tape measure, hammer, wedges for struts and braces for podbivaniya boards, pencil. Note that such adaptations as nails, adhesive mixture you do not need it!

Puts the laminate itself, without resorting to outside help. Laying start from the wall itself, having laid the first row. You should not put the board in close proximity to the wall, should be a gap in 10mm - can later drop in temperature, leading to swelling of sex. To do this, use wedges to disposal timber, a width of 1-1.5 cm

Having laid the first board, it is applied and second latches. The angle of the board for the lock should be 30 º. The fact that this is a conditional indicator, which does not require precise measurements, so you should not use special measuring devices. That is a process of laying the first row.

From laying the second row of boards, remember that the laminate is laid in a staggered fashion, so the first board should shift the second row by 30-40cm. Little trick: if during installation of the first row you get a piece of sawn-off board, you can use it as the first fragment of the second row.

You have completed laying the second row - insert it into the grooves of the first and snap. In case of problems with the hitch locks, you can use a hammer, lightly laminated board inciting the groove of the previous row. Installation of the floor to keep full coverage of the surface laminate.

Puts laminate themselves - because the process is simple and requires no special knowledge and skill.

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