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Repair the walls with his own hands
Before you begin to repair the walls with his own hands, you must determine what kind of surface we want to see the bathroom requires a high wall of water resistance, and the walls in the kitchen should have more stamina and to temperature changes and the effects of chemicals. After that, you already know precisely what materials will use - make the purchase. Now, on to the preparatory process of repair.

Surface preparation and priming

Initially, the desired surface to be cleaned of old building materials: tile, wallpaper, wash remover. After completing the cleanup, proceed with the removal of dust from the surface, and then primed it. In the absence of opportunities to make the outside wall insulation, insulation can be done inside the premises. We suggest you consider all the possible options for the preparatory process.

Old wallpaper is no longer a place on the wall

Note that the process of removing old wallpaper pretty complicated, but it is an integral part of repairing the walls. Today we can use a unique tool that can easily clean the wall from the wallpaper, whereas previously used water. The procedure for repairing the walls with his hands is this: you have to spray water on the vehicle or a wall with wallpaper and wait until it is finally absorbed into the surface. For added convenience, experts recommend using a narrow spatula or knife wallpaper. Remember that the means for removing old wallpaper is a concentrate, so it should be diluted with water in proportions specified by the manufacturer.

Get rid of the tiles

As a general rule, repair work carried out in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, which entails the removal of old tiles. While removing tiles are often used with a hammer drill or chisel. Of course, the hammer will want to work and the process of removing the tiles faster. Note that in the punch insert the tip "chisel" and set the mode of chipping without drilling.

Wash off the old whitewash

Getting rid of the walls of whitewash is a complex process, which operates a dry or wet methods. The essence of the wet method involves treating the walls with a wet cloth and then scrapes whitewash with a spatula. The essence of the dry cleaning method is to whitewash the walls of a metal shovel. Note that this method is only in the case of easy separation of whitewash, and the repair of the walls with his hands only involves improving the room's walls.

Cleaning and priming the surface

For any repairs necessary to walls clean from dust and primed. Dust can be removed using special tools or simply by washing the walls. Typically, the primer is applied to the wall, if for surface will use paint, wallpaper, tile, plaster or putty, as the primer improves the tenacity of finishing material to the surface.

Align the wall surface

If the wall has a deviation in flatness of up to 5 mm, it can be easy to putty, but if the deviation is more than 5mm, you will need to align the surface through the plaster walls. Need for plaster, metal beacons that can be found in specialized building stores. The walls of the kitchen and bathrooms need aligned under the tiling.

If you have problems with self-alignment of the walls with plaster, putty or tiling, you can consider the option of leveling the walls with drywall. One can always find a way to make and repair the walls with his hands. This will not only save money but also improve their self-esteem in the eyes of friends and people you know.

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