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At all times, architects and designers have paid more attention designs and murals on the ceilings. In the old ceiling decorated with gold leaf, ceiling paintings, stucco work, which are now no longer touch the hearts of many. Only in the modern world, the interior ceiling of plasterboard provide: multi-level design, varied lighting, highlighting areas with the lines on the ceiling - just a few moments that are able to breathe in the interior of your home mystique, and make a spark to admire.

Thanks to modern technology ceiling is transformed from a classical light-colored ceiling into a masterpiece of art! It should be noted that it is using this building material master will b ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 5943

The surface of the walls can not always distinguish a perfect evenness. So often resort to the process of aligning the walls of plasterboard, which is divided into a frame and frameless. Frameless mounting method is that the plasterboard glue directly to the wall using a special adhesive technique involves the construction of smesi.Karkasny framework, which will subsequently be installed drywall.

Mounting frame

The framework under drywall can be made of wood or with metal sections. Note that the wooden structure is more complex in the assembly, moreover, it is prone to deformation, which occurs as a result of ill-dried wood, which will lead to cracks on the surface. ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2387

Before you begin to repair the walls with his own hands, you must determine what kind of surface we want to see the bathroom requires a high wall of water resistance, and the walls in the kitchen should have more stamina and to temperature changes and the effects of chemicals. After that, you already know precisely what materials will use - make the purchase. Now, on to the preparatory process of repair.

Surface preparation and priming

Initially, the desired surface to be cleaned of old building materials: tile, wallpaper, wash remover. After completing the cleanup, proceed with the removal of dust from the surface, and then primed it. In the absence of opportunitie ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2103

To date, wallpaper is one of the most used finishing materials that can give a room freshness, warmth and comfort. Do not be afraid of what you have selected wallpaper can be used many - it is a rarity. The fact is that today there is a wide range of wallpapers that are not only drawing, but also the individual properties. When choosing wallpaper for the walls, should be considered for what it is the room they are intended.

As for the colors, remember that the wallpaper in the home environment will be completely different than the color of the store. In order not to be mistaken with the color scheme, you should take a small piece of wallpaper, and came home to make it to the wal ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2364

Painting is a process that requires some skill. Decorating the walls before painting begins with preparatory work, because of how well prepared the wall will depend on the entire result of painting. Of course, when using the structural colors, you can afford and small errors, such as paint can hide defects are available.

Initially, to check for wiring laid that will warn you of penetration Stroebe after you've zashpaklyuete wall. Then clean the surface of the existing wallpaper or old fillings. If your wall has a significant irregularity - it is likely that you have to install drywall for its alignment.

Before plastering work to the wall primed, which prevents micro ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2051

The process of laying tile requires attention, certain skills and expertise. If you still decide to independently perform this difficult procedure, we will tell you how to put tile on the wall. Surely you've already decided on the choice of tiles, well know in which room it will be laid, then it is necessary to deal with the materials and tools that are needed in the work. And if you're still undecided, I recommend you a good tile store.

First of all you will need: tile adhesive, a bucket, where you breed mix, trowel with teeth, the line level, a pencil, Tile, rubber spatula and possibly Bulgarian. The surface on which will be facing, should be flat, it is much easier styling pr ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2336

Most residents of typical apartments at the lack of ceiling height, sooner or later there is a desire to make a difference. Just as visually increase the height of the ceiling in an apartment? We offer you some tips that can help solve the problem of low ceilings.

So, start with a balance of low furniture - all pieces of furniture should have a low height. Also positively impact on the visual perception of laid on the floor pillows, relating to the frameless furniture or Oriental style.

Painting the walls plays an important role in the visual perception of space, and most importantly - it can help to "remove" or "approximate" the ceiling. Since the walls in green, b ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2252

How to prepare the wall under the wallpaper, it's important phase of renovations that are taking place before pasting new wallpaper. There are two main points that necessarily the case must be present in the preparatory work:

- The wall must be cleaned of old flooring - wall-papers. Typically, this material is easy to lift when applying for a copious amount of water. Places where the wallpaper still cling to the wall, should be treated with a spatula or large abrasive. As for the old glue - it is easily washed off with warm water;

- If the wall as a decoration there is whitewashing - it may remove with warm water and use a wide brush. Be sure to follow along with th ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1776

How to choose the paint for the walls - you first need to thoroughly prepare the surface that is used for painting. You can then proceed to the selection of paint, it is worth to pay attention to its composition, namely polymers that affect the quality of film formation. In other words, high-quality polymeric materials is reflected in the ability to apply to the surface of wet cleaning, the paint flow and the ability to couple the transmission.

Before you choose the paint, you also need to define the zone of painting. The fact is that if you want to change the interior hallway, you'll need to paint, wherein the high rate of wear and tear. In the case of painting the walls or cei ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1782

How to choose a wall color, it is well known that different shades of color very different impact on health and mood? We try to give some advice, so that you can make the right choice!

Motifs in red

Red is one of those colors that are actively working on the emotional side of man. Typically, red is relevant in areas that require elegance and comfort. Highly not recommended to paint the walls of bedrooms red, as in this case requires the placement of calmness and relaxation, but no activity in the emotions.

Motives blue

All shades of blue are perfect spaces intended for recreation: a room of meditation, a bedroom. This is associated with coo ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2179

Finally, you decided to change the old to the new wallpaper, just run into a problem - how to tear off the old wallpaper? Yes, this is not an easy one, but do not despair!

To do this you need a container of warm water and a soft sponge, with which you apply water to the surface of old wallpaper. You can also use a roller with a long handle with which you can get the highest point of the wall.

It is worth noting that before wetting wallpaper for maximum effect, the surface is recommended to go roller, equipped with nails. This will allow warm water to penetrate deeper into a wallpaper. At the end of 15.12 min after application to the wall with wallpaper water, you ca ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1815

Thanks to new developments and design ideas, interior decorating any room can be modern wallpaper for the walls. You no longer need be the same as all, you can easily choose a style and design than to create a cozy atmosphere in your home!

Since ancient times, wallpaper found the easiest and most versatile material with which decorate the walls and ceilings. One of the custom wallpaper wallpaper stand firm Wallpaper Collective.

The company was founded in New York, Cindy Vail. In the collection there are enough copies of the brave and the model, but the most popular wallpaper for the walls were showing skulls. The main advantage of the collections is the natural grai ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2045

How do I remove old paint from the walls - when the enamel, oil paint has retained the original appearance and has no cracks and bumps, it is not necessary to remove from the wall. In this case, you can get clean surfaces of dirt, using a soapy solution of warm water. After that, the wall hides a large emery. In the presence of damaged areas, they are processed oil-based putty and sanded with fine emery paper.

If necessary, remove the old paint, it is removed with a special solution of 1 kg of caustic soda to 3 liters of water by adding 2 kg of lime slurry.

Added to the solution caustic soda must gradually, while stirring it constantly. To remove old paint from the ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2401

Carpet floor covering has such features as sound insulation, thermal insulation, can last for a long time, along with it - perfectly decorates the interior spaces. Unfortunately, carpet is often used as flooring for the office. We try to figure out: how to choose carpet for the house and make the right design solution in the design of your home.

In that case, if the consumer exceed the financial capabilities of the average level, then to repair floors in an apartment house and he could use solid wood parquet or expensive, and if the economic benefits of bringing in and placing notes of warmth and comfort, you should pay attention to the carpet.

When choosing carpet, ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1847

How to choose a laminate floor - a question that arises from all those who wish to change the old floor covering new. Laminate referred to the board, which includes multiple layers, each of which possesses certain properties. The basis of the board, usually made of a chipboard, HDF, hardboard, and the inner part was treated with melamine, a substance that provides moisture and enhances the performance of the coating. As for the bottom layer of the board, it is treated with waterproofing and stabilizing mixtures, and decorate the top of the laminated layer that provides the aesthetic beauty of sex. By the way, the decorating process transparent board with a mixture that perfectly copes with t ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1997

Today, most durable and easy installation is linoleum. We will try to answer all the questions, and most importantly set: how to lay linoleum right! Before you start laying the floor covering, it should be kept in a warm temperature mode and expanded form for some time, then you can start cutting the material.

Remember that linoleum has the ability to shrink, this with cutting pieces, you should leave a small margin: to 6m - 2cm, 10m - 3-4cm from 10m - 5cm. Linoleum on the trail surface, which should first be cleaned and dried. With its installation using nails or paste specifically designed for laying linoleum.

It should be noted that the linoleum, which has a deco ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1974

How to pack a warm floor on your own - a question that occurs more often in everyday life. It was believed that such a floor heating system is expensive, but today, a warm floor is accessible to almost everyone. Some decide to laying a floor on their own and not in vain, we need only consider some of the nuances of installation and to perform them well.

Classification of warm floors

There are two types of underfloor heating: water and electric. In principle, both types have the same system: the installation is made on the heat-insulating material, then filled and covered with cement screed flooring.

Warm floor, which is based on a system of circulating ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1985

Repair of apartments - floor screed is part of the floor, which will subsequently be laid flooring. That's how quality will be carried out covering, depends on the choice of the coating. Typically, a coupler is divided into: a monolithic, which is filled with plaster, cement-sand mixture or Self Leveling plate and construction - prefabricated screed.

Floor preparation screed to

Often, the repair specialists and floor apartment in a house resorted to the use of cement-sand screed, a combination of the ratio of 1: 3. Just today, there are many dry mixes - costs them a bit diluted with water, they are ready for use. It should be noted that in areas with high concentrat ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 3310

Laminate flooring is the most convenient and simple material, which is used for interior finishing. Lay laminate flooring yourself, because to work with it is not required to possess special skills. Before you start laying laminate flooring, we recommend you pay attention to nuances.

Preparation of laminated boards

Once you make a purchase in a store, laminate should stand in the room in which it will be laid. This is due to the fact that the laminate board should stand for several days, so as to temperature and humidity in your environment are different from those conditions in which up to that point was material. It should be noted that the experts recommend in th ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1741

Parquet is by far the best natural grass. He is so good that such a There is an opinion: it can survive on three generations of the family. If it is properly stowed, when proper care and careful handling it, so be it. But if you follow the rules of operation of the floor covering, then your floor needs repair.

Are these common cases in which you want to repair flooring in the house:

1. Scratches, if they are shallow, it is a defect can be eliminated by sanding the floor, primed, and then laying lacquer or wax and oil.

2. Creak, which appears in the separation of flooring from its inception. Basically, this is the result of improper installation or use o ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1802

How to restore the flooring, which for years had lain on the floor in your apartment - it's easy with the grinder! To begin floor should be washed using washing powder or a special tool designed for the care of a wooden surface.

Once the floors have dried in the presence of nail polish on them - it was removed. Getting rid of the varnish can be made as a solvent and a scraper, and a hair dryer building, which is much easier. Enough to warm up the surface and remove paint product.

The next step in the restoration work appears find possible cracks, bumps - remove defects!

In the case of a shaky planks nailed to studs, hats are carefully utaplivayut to the ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1673

The best option as a linoleum floor stands, but how to choose the linoleum on the quality of the material and the price for it. Note that the now popular material with a pattern simulating the floorboard or ceramic tile. This is due to the ability to lay linoleum in almost every room because it would fit every interior.

As with any other material, linoleum has its advantages and disadvantages. Because of shortcomings include poor stability of materials at low temperatures, as well as he is afraid of sunlight. The advantages include ease of installation, maintenance, and the relative length of service (7-30 years).

As a rule, the linoleum is domestic glass, through w ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1910

You found on your typical carpet is dirty, that it is impossible to remove? Paints and colors have long lost their appeal? It's time to change the flooring, only in order not to spoil the new, we'll show you how to lay carpet right!

First you need to remove old paint and clean the floor with glue residue. Now you can prime and level surface. So you can use leveling compounds or floors, which can save the floor from major defects.

When ready spread out carpet and check the length of the product, that was present on the walls overlap. Then align the image - it should start from the center of the room. For the literate devices carpet to fold the edge of it across the r ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 2104

How put tiles on the floor - with carefully filled and flat buckle is easy. Listen to our advice, and work will bring you only pleasure!

It all starts with the marking. So, if you want to start laying the tiles from the wall, then you need to pull the cord from the wall at a distance equal to the width of the tile. In the case of tile "rhombus" - should pull the cord at an angle of 45 ° from the wall adjacent to the corner. In addition, pull cord according to the horizontal level, which greatly facilitates the work.

The solution is to lay the tiles on the floor is distinguished by the following composition and proportionality: 4 sand, 1 cement, 2 adhesive tiles. Due ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1955

It might surprise you a question, how to put tiles on wooden floor, but over time the wood floors are worn, which causes them to creak undesirable. Moreover, the floor begins to "walk". A perfect solution in this situation appears to use drywall!

Preparing floors for tiling

Using the adhesive base for plaster, creating a base tile by gluing sheets of drywall on the adhesive solution that is easy to knead with a mixer. To create a flat surface, use a level to which exhibited horizontal drywall. After an hour and a half, with long screws, fix the plaster in a few places that gives a guarantee of lasting attachment of gypsum to the wooden floor.

Laying til ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1865

What flooring is best? On this question there is only one answer - a quality wood used in the production of parquet flooring will enjoy for a long time.

Consider the type of wood

Oak has a high durability and strength, so has won wide popularity in flooring.

Ash has a high elasticity with pronounced structure of the wood gray.

Beech is often used for the production of various furniture imitating the walnut and mahogany. Products made of beech differ affordable and attractive appearance.

Siberian larch is the main qualities similar to oak. Furthermore, the presence in the wood natural substance gums, promotes the fact that the p ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1664

Laying of floor heating under laminate - the perfect solution to heat, comfort and aesthetic appeal! Initially, you need to pay attention to the labeling of products, because today there is laminated directly to lay on the warm floor. Thus, a floor covering can withstand high temperature conditions than regular classes laminate.

Perform laying laminate flooring on underfloor heating. Before actual laying laminate experts recommend to test the warm floor for a few days. This precaution will prevent damage to the floor from possible jumps of temperature and increase humidity. After laying the laminate should be maintained uniform temperature regime of heating floors, which is poss ... Read more »
Категория: Repair | Просмотров: 1758

In the manufacture of acrylic baths, the world's leading manufacturers use high-quality sanitary acrylic sheet, thickness 4-6mm. But there is a cheaper material ABS / PMMA - it is also used in the manufacture of acrylic baths to reduce the cost of the product. A layer of acrylic to such baths is only 0.5 - 1 mm surface.

Some of the advantages of acrylic bathtubs: Light weight (only 20-35 kg, possibly more, depending on the size and configuration), which gives an advantage in transporting and installing the bath. The water in acrylic bath to cool for 30 minutes only 1-2 degrees, filling the bathtub with water, acrylic mutes sound products have many different shapes on the acrylic ... Read more »
Категория: Sanitary engineering | Просмотров: 1757

Sinks for the bath can be with a hole for a mixer, and without it, so you need to decide where mixer will be installed at the sink, wall, or will be shared with the bathroom. I recommend that you install sanitary ware just after the repair room, where she will be. Before buying find out the size of the place where it is installed. Sink should be comfortable in their sizes and shapes, and match the size of the bathroom.

Sinks tulips - is itself a bowl on a pedestal, which in turn hides all communication. Usually it is monolithic or of two parts - the bowl and pedestal. Disadvantages of this model in a pedestal he does not use the space under the sink and has a fixed height.
... Read more »
Категория: Sanitary engineering | Просмотров: 1839

These days one does not limit itself with original style decisions, vit fresh design ideas every day coming to life. Including ideas for plumbing sinks bath. Their appearance may be unpredictable, ranging from round and oval shapes and ending with the combined products having the shape of a flower or any other. Color may be different as combined, and solid, depending on the material of construction of the shell. Let us share with you the most popular materials for making beautiful and modern shells.

Ceramics - This is the most common material for sinks, as it is called sanitary porcelain and earthenware. Porcelain are more expensive than porcelain and its surface is smooth and l ... Read more »
Категория: Sanitary engineering | Просмотров: 1460

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